AUTHORS:- Brandon Sanderson

PUBLISHED:- 06 January 2015

PAPERBACK:- 432 Pages


SUMMARY:- Babylon Restored, formerly Manhattan, may give David answers. Ruled by the mysterious High Epic, Regalia, David is sure Babylon Restored will lead him to what he needs to find. And while entering another city oppressed by a High Epic despot is a gamble, David's willing to risk it. Because killing Steelheart left a hole in David's heart. A hole where his thirst for vengeance once lived. Somehow, he filled that hole with another Epic—Firefight. And he's willing to go on a quest darker, and more dangerous even, than the fight against Steelheart to find her, and to get his answers.



After reading ‘Steelheart’ and getting through ‘Mitosis’, I was quite excited about this series and with high expectations I picked up the The next book in line, ‘Firefight’ and I gotta say it exceeded my expectations and more.


The story picks up in Newcago, in the wake of Steelheart's death, the city has not descended into chaos as may have been predicted by some, Ok, me, the reckoners have taken the reigns of enforcement and the city still has power, thanks to Edmund. People call David, ‘Steelslayer’ now, which to be honest sounds really cool. Life in Newcago is relatively good. David and the reckoners have been taking down other Epics. Encountering a few powerful ones who come to fill the power void left by the death of Steelheart.

This book is vastly different from Steelheart and mitosis in many ways. As always we are introduced to a cornucopia of new epics, terrible and fantastical. The bulk of the story takes place in Babylon restored, or Babilar, ruled by an epic called Regalia, who as it turns out, Prof and Tia knew before Calamity. Babilar is vastly different from what we know of Newcago, most of the buildings completely submerged in water, trees, and plants growing unobstructed and bear glowing edible fruits. That’s right, glowing fruits. Babilar is home to these hippieish people that believe in living their best life as short and unpredictable it may be, but they have a luxury to live such a life as the food is free and plenty, thanks to an epic named Dawnslight, whom no one has ever seen but is widely worshiped by the Babilarians.

As with every Brandon Sanderson book, this story is complex, fascinating, and filled with unpredictable, three-dimensional characters, making it hard to predict what might happen next, and that’s what I love about it.

Abraham and Cody are not an integral part of this book as the book focuses on David, Prof, Tia, and Firefight in Babilar. A new villain called 'Obliteration' is introduced, who in addition to being powerful is also fairly insane and wants to rid the earth of epics, and believes that wiping every human and epic off the face of the earth is the only way to accomplish it.

In the last few pages, the story twisted and turned in ways I hadn’t expected at all, delighting and exciting me and leaving me with more questions, and mysteries to be unraveled in the next book. 

This is something you don’t wanna miss out on.




The images of other characters flickered in my mind throughout the book but for the character of Megan, I had a constant one.